Mid-Century Vision

Cefic’s mid-century report ‘Molecule Managers’ sets out a plausible path towards a prosperous, more sustainable Europe in 2050.
This report outlines a vision of the chemical industry at mid-century and offers an invitation to discuss and debate the urgent decisions we are all facing – the prerequisites to a world that is cleaner, healthier and more inclusive, where the costly transition to climate neutrality has been socially fair, and in which Europe maintains its global relevance.
We believe the chemical industry can thrive as it helps Europe define its global advantage in a rapidly changing global landscape, by doing things ‘the European way’. This means to innovate toward circular models, to lead on sustainability and to be at the forefront of new technologies. It means integrating more closely with sectors outside the chemical industry and expanding beyond our borders. And it means to be seen by our customers as leading the way.
Our in-depth analysis involved testing our assumptions through a Delphi survey, based on this thorough analysis and dialogue, we conclude that the chemical industry can play a key role in transforming waste into valuable feedstock or new materials and can further integrate with other industrial sectors. As European society moves towards greater circularity, the importance of this role will only grow. Chemical recycling is one of the technologies that will make this possible.
A more extensive use of artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies will make chemicals production and chemical risk assessment more efficient and transparent. It will also help better track substances of concern in supply chains and further improve the safety of chemicals in the EU. Applying all these technologies will require a workforce with a completely different skillset.
The report is the start of a journey to discuss the way forward with our stakeholders. If you would like to be part of this journey, please send an email to midcentury@cefic.be and we will get back to you.
Supporting Documents